Football Is Gay

The National Football League took ten minutes to create a shoddy video declaring “Football is Gay”. The video was like a Terminator going back to destroy a century of unabashed heterosexual joy. “Football is Gay” is a weird thing to say. This video is weird. It feels like 12-year-old girls …

Halle Berry Naked For Pride

When a corporation eyeballs a trending social issue, they jump on that marketing opportunity like capitalistic stink on shit. Black History Month means a promo on LeBron hoodies. Breast Cancer Awareness Month means 30 days of moving pink couture. It’s adorable and for such a good cause. Shareholder value. Pride …

Alyssa Milano Wants More Power

In a more civilized society, child actors would be disappeared at age eighteen, or earlier if they start declaring their pronouns while still in fake online high school. I’m not suggesting murder. I’m good with whatever we arrive at as the humane forever isn’t coming back solution. Their parasitic stage …